
Your most important asset is your ability to earn income. Even if you are young and healthy, a serious illness or injury could put you out of work for months or even years — thus jeopardizing your livelihood. A reliable source of disability income protection is this Group Disability Income Insurance exclusively for ASHP members.

Even if you have some disability insurance through your employer, or if you are self-employed, it may not be enough. Many employers provide only a short-term salary continuation option or short-term disability income option. This coverage can be used to supplement benefits provided by your employer insurance or as primary protection. This coverage is designed to provide you with a regular monthly income when you are totally disabled and unable to work as the result of an illness or injury.

How to Apply

  1. Complete the Application Form. It is extremely important that you answer fully the questions about medical history on this form. New York Life will rely upon your answers, and failure to provide complete and truthful information may invalidate coverage. Please note that New York Life retains the right to request additional medical information and may contact you directly.
  2. Mail the Application Form, with your initial premium payment, to this address:
    ASHP Group Insurance Program
    PO Box 14533
    Des Moines, IA 50306


Insurance Enrollment Form and Brochure

These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.

SMRU #1843145

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ASHP members and their lawful spouses/domestic partners, under age 60 who are at FULL–TIME WORK are eligible to request coverage. Persons on full-time active duty in the armed forces are not eligible to apply.

"FULL–TIME WORK" means the active performance of the regular duties of your normal occupation for pay or profit on the basis of at least 30 hours per week at the place such duties are performed.

This coverage is only available for residents of the United States * (except territories) and Puerto Rico.

*Coverage is not available in all states at this time. Contact the Administrator about availability in your state.

Helps Protect You as a Pharmacist

You will be considered totally disabled, during the waiting period and the next 60 months if you are prevented by illness or injury performing the material and substantial duties of your regular occupation. After such 60 months, you must be unable to perform the material duties of any gainful job for which you are reasonably fit by education, training or experience.

You must be under the regular care of a physician (other than yourself) and must not be engaged in any occupation for pay or profit.

You can choose either Option 5/5 or Option 65/65. The maximum monthly coverage amounts for which members may apply according to age are:

You may apply for benefits ranging from $100 to $4,000 a month, in $100 units. However, the option you choose, together with any other disability income insurance you have or for which you're applying, cannot exceed 60% of your AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME.

AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME means your wages, salaries, commissions, fees and other amounts received for personal services — before deduction of income or social insurance taxes and after deduction of normal business expenses which are deductible for income tax purposes — for the immediately preceding period that produces the highest figure:

1. preceding tax year; 2. preceding two tax years, or; 3. the entire period, if less than 12 months.
It does not include income from interest, dividends, rent, royalties, annuities, other insurance or other unearned income.

Option 5/5 pays benefits up to a maximum of five years for a covered injury of sickness that results in total disability beginning prior to age 60. For a covered disability occurring on or after age 60, but prior to age 64, benefits will be paid up to age 65. (Spouses are eligible for Option 5/5 only.)

Option 65/65

Option 65/65 provides you with benefits up to age 65 for a covered injury or sickness that results in total disability beginning prior to age 64.

For both options, a total disability occurring on or after age 64, but prior to age 70, will pay benefits for up to 12 months.

Monthly benefits will be paid up to the maximum benefit period selected. Monthly benefits under either option will end on the date you fail to give required proof of continuing disability, your disability ends, the maximum benefit period ends or you die.

Choose the Waiting Period

Choose a 30-day or 90-day waiting period. The Waiting Period is the number of consecutive days you must be totally disabled before benefits can begin.

Waiver of Premium

If you suffer a disability for which you are receiving benefits under this Policy prior to age 60, and you have been receiving benefits for that disability for at least six months, premiums due thereafter will be waived during the remainder of the disability. When you stop receiving monthly benefits, premiums must again be paid when due.


Effective Date

Insurance for the Disability Income becomes effective on the first of the month after the date the application is approved by New York Life Insurance Company, provided the first premium is paid when due. You must be at FULL-TIME WORK on the date the insurance is to take effect. If not, insurance will take effect on the day you resume such work, provided you are still eligible.

When Coverage Ends

A person’s insurance will end at the earliest of the date the group policy ends or is modified to end coverage for his/her class; the end of the period for which the last premium has been paid by him/her; the date the person ceases FULL-TIME WORK for reasons other than total disability; the covered person commences full-time active military duty; the premium due date coinciding with or next following the date the person ceases to be an ASHP member or; the premium due date coinciding with or next following the date the person attains age 70; or with respect to spouses, the date the marriage ends by divorce or annulment.

No benefits are payable for any period of disability during which the insured person is not under the direct care and treatment of a licensed physician. Moreover, no benefits are payable for any disability which is due or related to: intentionally self-inflicted injury whether sane or insane; military service, war or act of war; normal pregnancy or childbirth (complications of pregnancy are covered); committing a crime or an attempt to do so.

Exclusively Priced Current 2024 Semiannual Group Rates per $100 of Coverage

OPTION 65/65

30-Day Waiting Period

60-Day Waiting Period

30-Day Waiting Period

60-Day Waiting Period

*For renewal only, you must be under age 60 to apply. Premiums are based on your age when insurance becomes effective and increases as you enter a new age category. To determine your premium multiply the number of $100 increments by the premium noted for the waiting period you select. Insurance terminates on the premium due date coinciding with or next following the date you attain age 70.

If applicable, an additional $2 billing fee will be included on your billing notice payable to the administrator. To avoid the fee, select Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as a safe and secure payment option.

Your cost is based on your age when coverage becomes effective and increases each January 1st on or after you reach a higher age bracket.

The premium contributions shown reflect the current rate and benefit structure. Premium contributions may be changed by New York Life Insurance Company on any premium due date and any date on which benefits are changed. However, your rates may change only if they are changed for all others in the same class of insureds. For example, a class of insureds is a group of people with the same issue age. Benefit option amounts are not guaranteed and are subject to change by agreement between New York Life and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

New York Life Insurance Company is licensed/authorized to transact business in all of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada. However, not all group policies it underwrites are available in all jurisdictions. Please check the policy details section for current availability. New York Life Insurance Company’s state of domicile is New York, and NAIC ID# is 66915.


When you become insured, you will be sent a Certificate of Insurance, summarizing your coverage. This website is only a brief description of some of the policy's principal provisions and features. The complete terms are set forth in the group policy issued by New York Life Insurance Company to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

If you’re not completely satisfied with the terms of your Certificate of Insurance, you may return it, without claim, within 30 days. Your coverage will be invalidated, and you will be sent a full refund, no questions asked!